Saturday, November 5, 2011

Shows Being Filmed In Atlanta

Posted by Virgil Burks

I’ve lived in Atlanta my entire life, and I love my city. It seems like a lot of other people love it recently, too. One of the coolest things about living in Atlanta right now is that there are so many movies and TV shows are being filmed here. It’s really neat to be watching The Walking Dead on expert satellite and see something I recognize from Atlanta. And while a lot of Tyler Perry’s shows are shot mostly on a stage, there are a lot of references to Atlanta throughout the show. It’s pretty cool. The city of Atlanta has done a great job of offering tax incentives to film shows here and it seems like a lot of TV and film producers have noticed. It’s become a fairly regular occurrence to drive through town and see a notice of filming posted. I’ve seen Atlanta displayed in a lot of movie previews recently, and I’m looking forward to seeing what other shows start filming here as the word spreads that Atlanta is a great city as a backdrop! I’ve known it for a long time, and I’m glad to see so many other people noticing.

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